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I'm blushing, and thrilled to get the compliment of the month from Dino Martin Peters, one hell of a swell guy, and Dean Martin fan

A Dino-ride From Pallie Jesse Hey pallies, likes our Dino knew it better then any other dude....the immense and immeasurable swankness of bein' able to tag 'nother man as "pallie." While all us Dino-philes know that our great man never ever needed anyone or anythin' besides himself in his life, our most beloved Dino enjoyed the pure pleasure of havin' fun times with his best pallies like Frank Sinatra and Sammy Davis Jr. And mere mortals likes ourselves are the same.

 Today, I want to salute a great pallie o'mine that I have met through his Dino-devotion here on the ol' web. His tag is Jesse, and he is a dude who primarily hangs his hat at his all-thin's-car pad, "Just A Car Guy." Likes if you clicks on the link to this Dino-gram you will be welcomed into Jesse's world. Jesse is located in San Diego, California and lists as his occupation: full time jobs, full time hobby, part time blogging.

 In addition to his huge huge passion for cars, Jesse is a great devotee of our man Dino and he graciously and generously often sends me fabulous Dino-treasure just to make sure that I have seen it before. And, sometimes Jesse shares Dino-related car posts at his amazin' blog...and, of course, in turn I share 'em with all your Dino-holicsas well.

 When I opened my email today, there was some Dino-patter from my pallie Jesse includin' an amazin' pix of our Dino on a ride that I have never ever seen before. And, Jesse shared these most kind and gracious words of Dino-appreciato....."keep doing what you do, cause you do it so well!" ilovedinomatin expresses our deepest of deepest thanks to pallie Jesse for showin' such constant devotion to our Dino and the ilovedinomatin cause of spreadin' the Dino-word."

 So dudes, enjoy the fabulous Dino-pose below courtesy of the best sort of pallie any Dino-devotee coulda have....Jesse! Dino-delightedly, DMP

http://ilovedinomartin.blogspot.com/2013/05/a-dino-ride-from-pallie-jesse.html for the post, and http://ilovedinomartin.blogspot.com/ for all things that Dean Martin has done, been photographed at, or has been known for. 
Some people have things to do, some have things to say, some have things to share... Dean Martin Peters has Dino-appreciato for all things Dean Martin. Cool guy!

As Dean Martin said at the end of this clip, "Thanks to you for looking in, so until next week, you be careful drvin' ... 'cause there's a shortage of nice people in the world."

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